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Address: dongying city town XiYing GuangRaoXian king
Address: tieling tieling county taken village road
Telephone: 0546-6861222 6861168
Fax: 0546-6861318
The service hotline: 400-072-8968
Telephone: 024-78818050
Fax: 024-78818051
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Liao embellish YouZhiChang url :
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Product series
Lubricants Series
Grease Packing Series
Grease raw Series
Chemical additives series
Twelve hydroxyl  
Twelve hydroxyl
Twelve hydroxyl
   Iodine value (gI/100g) ≤ 2.5 2.5 3.0
   Melting point (℃) ≥ 75 74 73
   Hydroxyl group value (mgKOH / g) ≥ 155 152 148
   Moisture and volatile matter (%) ≤ 1.0 1.2 1.5
   Color (Gardner) 568
   Acid value (mgKOH / g) 178-187
   Saponification Value (mgKOH / g) 180-190
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Copyright ©  All Rights Reaserved.    Dongying city with yu petrochemical co., LTD
All rights reserved   The service hotline :400-072-8968
Address: dongying city GuangRaoXian XiYing king town resident phone: 0546-6861222 fax: 6861168 0546-6861318 website: technical support: corporate network